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    Animated explainer videos with SNAP!

    Animated explainers are becoming more and more popular. But as simple as they look, there is a lot of work behind them: besides the vital parts of storytelling, animation and sound design, developing an individually crafted design for each video requires considerable effort. And by saying effort, we mean time. Depending on the project, time can be a scarce resource though. For that reason, we at mindnapped developed a method where the most important conditions are defined in advance: the explainer video style SNAP! Thanks to SNAP, we’re ready to get right into creating your vision. But what is the best fit for SNAP and what are the benefits?

    To answer these and more questions, we grabbed our producer Patrick Piffczyk and mindnapped’s managing director Alexander Lorenz for an interview:

    How did you come up with the idea for a unique explainer video style?

    Alexander Lorenz: Explainers have already been a big part of our portfolio for several years now. But we noticed that animated videos are becoming more and more important to our customers. We are frequently getting asked about it and the number of projects is constantly increasing. On the other hand, we frequently have projects with short production times. That’s why it was important to us to find a solution that tackles these circumstances.

    Patrick Piffczyk: SNAP simplifies communication with our customers tremendously. We’ve created guidelines to define the standards.

    AL: The part of defining a drawing or animation style completely disappears. And even though the basic framework already exists, we still have unlimited creative possibilities for telling the stories we want. SNAP is not only compatible with the requirements of our customers CI guidelines, it also allows us to create a different world each time.

    What defines SNAP and what are the underlying design ideas?

    AL: SNAP is an animated explainer video style that appeals to a broad audience. Usage can vary from internal communication to homepage usage, social media and trade fairs. We can recommend SNAP to be used by companies from a wide range of industries. From an aesthetical point of view it’s a monochrome design: White backgrounds, thick outlines with coloured highlights. The design is reminiscent of animated cartoons but without being childish or too playful. We consciously tried to design a style that is immensely flexible. A style that can be funny or serious – or both at the same time!


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    How did you proceed creating the style?

    AL: We tried different approaches. Over the last several months, we constantly designed ideas, tried different drawing styles and brought the creative process to the extreme. All with the goal to develop this versatile style framework that is predefined but still customizable. That feature was very important to us.


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    What are the advantages for your customers?

    AL: For our customers, one of the biggest advantages is the style’s flexibility. Big corporations might need a video very quickly for a presentation or to explain a complex internal process or a series of videos for social media in different languages. SME’s might at the same time require a video to explain their whole business model or a new product. SNAP is great for all of these cases.

    PP: The animations are designed to be easily created and adjusted. We wanted to provide a good cost-benefit value for our customers.

    SNAP Explainer Video Style

    What does the production process of an explainer at mindnapped look like?

    PP: We begin with a project kick off. That’s probably the most important meeting. We use it to clarify a project’s design and other fundamental questions with our customers. Afterwards, we write a concept. That generally takes up to two weeks. If our customer is satisfied, we hand over the concept to our graphics department. Then we choose a voice actor and finalize the video with a nice sound design. After that, we’re done and ready to deliver the finished explainer video.

    Animated explainers for everyone

    Our in-house design and animation style for explainer videos has no bounds. With SNAP, we’re offering you a design with predefined guidelines. Every production step is simplified – beginning with the kick-off meeting. We are looking forward to explaining the world and exciting stories with SNAP – Maybe yours, too?

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