Film Inserts for ENTSO-E’s Annual Conference
The European Network of Transmission System Operators for Electricity (ENTSO-E) commissioned us to produce a total of ten film inserts for its annual conference in December 2016. These clips were projected during the event. The project involved conducting street interviews over four days, in four different countries, in connection with the topics at the conference.
The topics, which were discussed on that day in Brussels, are so specialised that their details are only understandable to experts. At the same time, however, they directly affect the lives of all Europeans. If, for example the electricity transmission system wouldn’t work or would fail, the worst case scenario would be, that millions of Europeans would have to make do without electricity.
Filming Vox-Pops in the Streets
There is, therefore, an enormous gap between the impact that the conference topics can have on each individual and what the majority of people know about these. This posed a major challenge to the film production team – what should one expect from unprepared passers-by, asking them for their opinions on matters to do with EU regulations for the electricity market?

Film Insert for the Annual Conference 2016
On reflection and from feedback, our clips were a great addition to the conference. Through the collected vox pops, the concerns and hopes of the general public were called to mind throughout the event. This contributed to the overall impact that the event had on the attendees; a sense of connection to real life.