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    There is no better reference to reflect the work we do, than the films that we have already completed. Here is a selection of videos from different categories such as television reports, event films, corporate videos, documentaries, web series, trade show videos, recruiting films, explainer videos, music videos or live events. If you have questions about a project, please do not hesitate to contact us.

    Fujifilm Case Film Röntgen Ausschnitt

    FujiFilm X-Ray Case Video

    FDR Nano X-Ray system by Fujifilm

    Palfinger at APEX trade fair

    Palfinger at APEX 2023

    JSP Arplank Imagefilm


    Product video about the new foam material

    Ausschnitt aus dem Wachtel Produktvideo

    PICCOLO PRO – Teaser


    Stago Erklärvideo Remote Access

    Remote Access – Stago explains

    Explainer video by Stago

    nubicon Erklärvideo

    nubicon Explainer

    The nubicon software makes access controllable

    Coca-Cola Erklärvideo Still

    Clever Recycling

    Coca-Cola screw caps' second life

    Still aus dem imagefilm für JSW

    Extrusion Technical Center – JSW

    Corporate video for Japan Steel Works

    Video Sill Zeppelin k-trade fair eventvideo

    Zeppelin K-Trade fair


    Video Still Brunel eventvideo

    Brunel – Eventvideo

    Kart Racing with René Rast

    video still expat service desk

    Expat Service Desk ME & DUS

    Corporate video

    video still metro fsd

    Full Service Distribution

    SNAP - Explainer Video Metro

    Daniel Powell gibt ein Interview

    E-Mobility with entso-e

    Corporate video

    Ein pinker Hase und Darsteller in einem Bild

    Virtual vs. Real Estate

    360 degree VR Video

    universität witten herdecke kick-off projekt design thinking

    Design Thinking

    Corporate Film for UWH

    kind freut sich in kinderzimmer

    Stairlifts with Lifelong Warranty

    Corporate Film for thyssenkrupp

    Eine Violine wird gespielt.

    Tonhalle Dusseldorf

    Corporate Film "Einfach Fühlen"

    Mann arbeitet an der Werkbank

    Welcome to the Endoscopy Service Center

    Corporate film for FUJIFILM

    Leute lachen in illustrer Gesprächsrunde

    E-Commerce Forum XXL 2018

    Event video for .flagbit

    Zwei Leute stehen auf einem Berg

    Aliud Pharma

    Product film for a campaign about men's health

    Lachende Teilnehmer der Start-Up-Germany Tour 2018

    Start-Up Germany Tour

    Event video for IHK Düsseldorf

    Nosto hilft JeansFritz bei der Umsetzung ihrer Geschäfte.

    Nosto Solutions

    Testimonial by JeansFritz

    Still FUJIFILM Recruitingfilm

    FUJIFILM Europe Business Service

    Recruitment Video for FUJIFILM

    Vier junge Leute feiern ihre Erfolge beim Tapezieren

    Tapete macht aus Wänden ein Zuhause

    Trade fair video for the DTI booth at IMM 2018

    Das Logo für die Klimachallenge Ruhr 2022

    Klima Challenge Ruhr 2022

    Explainer video for the competition

    Junge Mädchen spielen Fussball auf Kunstrasen

    Sport and Society

    Documentary about an intercultural sports seminar in Berlin

    Mitarbeiter von M&C arbeiten an einem Filter

    M&C – Embracing Challenge

    Trade fair video about the M&C Tech Group


    Corporate film about AkzoNobel Metal Coatings in Columbus, OH

    FUJIFILM Logo schwebt über dem Messestand auf der BIO-Europe Messe 2017

    FUJIFILM @ BIO-Europe Berlin

    FUJIFILM presents their new solutions at the biotechnology fair BIO-Europe 2017

    Junger Auszubildender schweißt mit Schweißgerät ein Logo in Metallrohr

    AWO Education and Training Centre

    Introduction of the BBZ in Dusseldorf

    documentation un volunteers still

    Volunteers @ COP23

    Documentation about volunteer work

    #unserNRW Erklärvideo Videowettbewerb

    #unserNRW Video Contest

    Explainer Video for video contest

    Media Markt Recruiting Film

    Media Markt

    Recruitment Video

    Kreuzschwinger Produktfilm 4k Videoproduktion Düsseldorf

    TBS Kreuzschwinger

    Product film in 4K

    Rolf Maier Bode 25. Mayday 360 Grad Video

    360 Degrees @ MAYDAY

    Rolf Maier Bode performs at 25th MAYDAY

    Recruiting Filme für METRO GROUP

    METRO GROUP trainee films

    Series of recruitment videos

    Peter Behrens Documentation Still

    Peter Behrens Documentary

    A Pioneer in Architecture - Trailer

    easycharge.me Messefilm


    Exhibition Movie

    Tonhalle Kompositionsklasse Brotdose

    Musical Lunch Box

    Youth Concert at Tonhalle Dusseldorf

    BLANKO Hackathon Event Dokumentation

    BLANKO Hackathon


    The Idiots - Verseucht bei Punk im Pott

    Verseucht live

    The Idiots live @ Punk im Pott

    HandiVIH - Dokumentation für Entwicklungshilfe

    Family farming in Cameroon

    An occupation with a bright future.

    Aloha Event Erklärvideo


    Explainer Video

    Postillon24 Einspielervideo WVP14 Still

    Postillon24 @ WVP14

    Behind the Scenes with German comedians

    EWVA Academy Fellowship

    EWVA Academy Fellowship

    Presentation of the fellowship program

    Kid inside car


    Where are you going?

    Making of für BVB-Dokumentation

    BVB Documentation

    Making-of for documentation about Borussia Dortmund

    Mrs. Creativity

    Online Video for KreativKader

    Tony Gorilla music video

    No Circumstance

    Tony Gorilla

    cundus AG Sommerfest

    cundus Summer Party

    Event documentation

    Musikvideo für

    Blue Tomorrow


    William Hunt - Suboptimal Expression Output Interface

    Sub-Optimal Expression Output Interface

    Performance by William Hunt

    IHK Düsseldorf Azubi Speed Dating

    IHK Dusseldorf

    IHK Apprentice speed dating

    Mann auf Dach aus RTL und Rohypnol Musikvideo

    RTL & Rohypnol Music Video

    Boris Gott

    Wolfgang Seitz GONG! Jugendprojekt - Dokumentation


    Documentation of an art project - trailer


    Client Logo AkzoNobel
    Client Logo Asahi Kasei
    Client Logo BLANKO
    Client Logo capture
    Client Logo change.org
    Client Logo Cittadino
    Client Logo Deutsche Welle
    Client Logo Deutsch-Türkische Jugendbrücke
    Client Logo DGB Bildungswerk
    Client Logo easycharge.me
    Client Logo Engel Völkers
    Client Logo entso-e
    Client Logo flowfact
    Client Logo European Web Video Academy
    Client Logo FUJIFILM Europe
    Client Logo IHK Düsseldorf
    Client Logo ikk classic
    Client Logo KetchumPleon
    Client Logo kiya.tv
    Client Logo Kunstfilmtage Dusseldorf
    Client Logo Kunstmuseum Stuttgart
    Client Logo Lectra
    Client Logo mediacolor.tv
    Client Logo M&C
    Client Logo metro group
    Client Logo MSB
    Client Logo nosto solutions
    Client Logo Regionalverband Ruhr
    Client Logo RWE
    Client Logo spiegelinstitut
    Client Logo stago
    Client Logo Stiftung KinderHerz
    Client Logo sumetzberger
    Client Logo Team Marketing
    Client Logo thyssenkrupp
    Client Logo Tonhalle Dusseldorf
    Client Logo UN Volunteers
    Client Logo Wachtel
    Client Logo Webvideopreis Deutschland
    Client Logo Wepa